Go where the river takes you: Rafting in the Yukon

Go with the flow
There are many ways to immerse yourself in the Yukon’s wilderness playground, but for a truly exhilarating experience, nothing beats river rafting. Longer journeys offer exciting, wild rivers through some of the most peaceful places on earth. On the shorter runs, you won’t necessarily have to get wet, but let’s face it, that’s part of the fun.
Take to the Tatshenshini, designated a Canadian Heritage River for both its cultural and recreational significance. Nicknamed “the Tat” by locals and paddling enthusiasts, this legendary river flows into the Alsek River on its way toward the Pacific Ocean in Alaska. Together, the Tatshenshini-Alsek has been listed by National Geographic as the top river journey in the world—just imagine all the #humblebrag social posts you’ll accumulate on this trip. A true “must do”, this spectacular journey takes you past dramatic mountain ranges, waterfalls and glaciers, and through the largest protected biosphere on the globe.
The Tutshi River is closer to Whitehorse and is accessed from the South Klondike Highway. This technical river is short but has scenery that doesn’t end. A wild ride through Tutshi River Canyon is part of this fun day trip that’ll make Disneyland's Splash Mountain seem like a kiddie pool slide.
For a truly epic adventure, head to the territory’s far North. The Firth River flows through the remote wilderness of Ivvavik National Park and all the way to the Arctic Ocean. Rafting anywhere in the Yukon includes a good chance of seeing wildlife, but only here is where you’re likely to see mighty muskox and herds of migrating caribou.
Licensed tour operators supply safety equipment, know which spots suit your skills, and can handle park fees and other requirements. Aside from these logistics, expert guides know the river, the local history and the surrounding landscape, which can all make for an especially rich experience.
Whether it’s an unforgettable day trip close to town or a life-changing two-week expedition to the Arctic, rafting in the Yukon is an experience that’s sure to leave an impression on you—specifically, a very wet one.