Across the Ogilvie Mountains
Across the Ogilvie Mountains
After being dropped off by a floatplane on a small remote alpine lake, we hike across the Ogilvie Mountains to reach Tombstone Territorial Park and the Dempster Highway.
We will need to hop on a floatplane to reach the start of this amazing trek no other company offers. Leaving civilization behind we will hike through the Ogilvie mountains to reach the edge of Tombstone territorial park and the Dempster Highway. We won’t follow any trails; for 7 days we will choose our own path through mountain passes, ridges and rivers using maps and experience. After 5 days of hiking we will start getting views of the famous Tombstone and Mount Monolith! The only beings we will cross path with will be caribou, Dall sheep, bears, etc!
A unique experience designed for the experimented hikers who wish to get off the beaten path and enjoy a true wilderness adventure!
Terms and conditions
5% tax not included. Yukoners can file for their 25% rebate via yukonchamber.com/great-yukon-summer.

Book this package with
Terre Boréale

High quality, unique hiking and canoeing adventures in the Yukon!
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