Alpine Aviation

Alpine Aviation
38 Lodestar Lane
Whitehorse YT Y1A 6E6
Opening hours
Please call for hours of operation.
An Experience of a Lifetime!
Your Yukon adventure begins right here! Alpine Aviation has been operating since 1997 and operates 3 Cessna 206 on wheels, floats and skis, a SuperCub on wheels and skis and the classic DeHavilland DHC-2 Beaver on floats. We provide services year-round. In the summer we operate from our Schwatka Lake base (Docks 11-13) on Miles Canyon Road using floats. In the winter we operate from the Whitehorse Airport (38 Lodestar Lane) on wheels and skis.
We are proud to provide our local and international customers with amazing flightseeing tours, custom air charter services, survey flights, fly-in fishing/hunting, paddling trips, backcountry hiking & skiing, exploration support and pick-up flights from Lake Bennett after hiking the famous Chilkoot trail.
Call Janet or Gerd at 867-668-7725 or visit our website www.alpineaviationyukon.com
Enjoy your stay in the Yukon!