Wildlife viewing in Northern & Arctic Yukon

Go to where the wild is
Far above the Arctic Circle sit Ivvavik National Park and Herschel Island-Qikiqtaruk Territorial Park. Extremely remote with no road access, this is the only part of the Yukon that polar bears visit, while belugas and bowhead whales make their seasonal home in the waters off the shore. Muskox, caribou, grizzlies, Arctic foxes, snowy owls and numerous other hardy bird species also inhabit the area.
Wolverines, muskox, moose, grizzlies and black bears roam Vuntut National Park. Most notably, the Porcupine Caribou Herd passes through on its great migration—approximately 200,000 caribou on the move is an incredible sight for visitors to witness. Nearby, Van Tat-Old Crow Flats is world renown for its important wetlands habitat for half a million waterfowl.
Ni'iinlii Njik-Fishing Branch Territorial Park and Habitat Protection Area is home to majestic grizzlies drawn by spawning salmon, as well as numerous other large mammals like wolves and Dall sheep. Access is strictly managed, but there are opportunities to experience this extraordinary place.
More accessible, and every bit as spectacular, is Tombstone Territorial Park. See it from the Dempster Highway, hike in, or take a flightseeing tour. This treasured land is on the migration path of the Fortymile and Porcupine Caribou Herds, and is abundant in wildlife. Grizzlies and wolves roam the tundra, while the small-but-mighty marmots and pikas inhabit the slopes. You may also spot Dall sheep, moose, foxes, and the park’s long list of birds—including willow ptarmigan, northern wheatears and golden eagles.